A: EVERYTHING! There is NOTHING to buy once you have your ticket.
Fully catered meals, beverage services (coffee, and booze!) and a swag bag for all ticket holders!
A: For our overnight hotel guests you can a choice of a single or double occupancy. All single occupancy has the choice to have one child ( baby) sleep over for the evening! That is right- tuck you little into their pack and play ( that we will provide of course) and sneak down stairs for the party! Double occupancy does not have room for child, but has room for two adults!
A: Each day is different and separate! We have over 30 speakers over two days on a wide variety of topics. Our two doctors are our resident and scholars and will be featured on both days!
A: All ticket holders will receive swag bags. Depending on which ticket you get, you will get a corresponding swag bag and swag value! For those single occupancy overnight guests, you will have a swag bag and welcome basket worth over $700!
A: totally! All sessions are baby welcome- We have ways to manage the “noise” factor. Just you wait and see our creativity!
A: We have a variety of subject matter experts, inspirational speakers and educators! We have three stages for all of them to take the mic: The MomBoss Stage, the MomHack Stage and the Mindfulness Stage!
A: On the second floor of the hotel, we have a variety of services you can take part in! It will be a first come , first served basis. If you are a two day All Access Pass holder or an overnight Queen Pass holder, you will be able to book up to 3 services in advance!
Appointments are 5-15 minutes long!
A: The daytime tickets include a fully catered breakfast, lunch and snacks and all beverages. For overnight Queen Pass holders, you will have a VIP cocktail reception and curated dinner before the PARTTYYY!
A: Yes, we will have a main room party and breakout speakers all over the Gladstone hotel! We call this the Living lecture series! Stay locked here as we release the guest experts!